Instagram¿¡¼ ÀÌ °Ô½Ã¹° º¸±â ½´ÆÛÁִϾî-K.R.Y., °¨¼º Ã游 ¡®º°ÀÇ µ¿È¡¯ ¶óÀÌºê ºñµð¿À ¿À´Ã ¿ÀÈÄ 6½Ã °ø°³!✨ - ¡®º¸Äà À¯´Ö¡¯ °¡Ã¢·Â + µ¿È °°Àº °¡»ç µ¸º¸ÀÌ´Â ½Å°î ¡®º°ÀÇ µ¿È¡¯ ¶óÀÌºê ºñµð¿À SM ¡®STATION¡¯ À¯Æ©ºê ä³Î¿¡¼ ¸¸³ªº¸¼¼¿ä🎵 - SUPER JUNIOR-K.R.Y.'s sentimental live video of 'Midnight Story' will be released today at 6PM KST!✨ - Check out the amazing vocals and the fairy tale-like lyrics via the SM STATION YouTube channel🎵 - #½´ÆÛÁִϾîKRY #SuperJuniorKRY #Ǫ¸£°Ôºû³ª´ø¿ì¸®ÀÇ°èÀý #WhenWeWereUs #½´ÆÛÁִϾî #SUPERJUNIOR @superjunior #º°ÀÇ_µ¿È #MidnightStory #STATION @smtownstation #SMTOWN STATION(@smtownstation)´ÔÀÇ °øÀ¯ °Ô½Ã¹°´Ô, 2020 6¿ù 14 6:21¿ÀÈÄ PDT
½´ÆÛÁִϾî-K.R.Y., °¨¼º Ã游 ¡®º°ÀÇ µ¿È¡¯ ¶óÀÌºê ºñµð¿À ¿À´Ã ¿ÀÈÄ 6½Ã °ø°³!✨ - ¡®º¸Äà À¯´Ö¡¯ °¡Ã¢·Â + µ¿È °°Àº °¡»ç µ¸º¸ÀÌ´Â ½Å°î ¡®º°ÀÇ µ¿È¡¯ ¶óÀÌºê ºñµð¿À SM ¡®STATION¡¯ À¯Æ©ºê ä³Î¿¡¼ ¸¸³ªº¸¼¼¿ä🎵 - SUPER JUNIOR-K.R.Y.'s sentimental live video of 'Midnight Story' will be released today at 6PM KST!✨ - Check out the amazing vocals and the fairy tale-like lyrics via the SM STATION YouTube channel🎵 - #½´ÆÛÁִϾîKRY #SuperJuniorKRY #Ǫ¸£°Ôºû³ª´ø¿ì¸®ÀÇ°èÀý #WhenWeWereUs #½´ÆÛÁִϾî #SUPERJUNIOR @superjunior #º°ÀÇ_µ¿È #MidnightStory #STATION @smtownstation #SMTOWN
STATION(@smtownstation)´ÔÀÇ °øÀ¯ °Ô½Ã¹°´Ô, 2020 6¿ù 14 6:21¿ÀÈÄ PDT